"...and remind myself that I really need to keep a few pieces of string in every pocket I own so I can tie in the things that would benefit from it." Me too! πŸ˜€

Lovely post, Vanessa!

Looking forward to seeing the finished bird bath!

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Thanks Sara. I realise now that in lieu of string in pockets I left my string and scissors hanging on the sweet pea frame. And now it’s raining πŸ™„x

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Jun 23Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Dearest V, the kefir and sourdough are clearly a contagion!! I have been fully stuck in since the start of the year and it is a lovely distraction from other cares. Good luck with yours and look forward to seeing any related vessels you put up. x

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Liz! It’s been an age πŸ™ˆand we are long overdue a catch up… Glad to know you’re happily fermenting though, I’m sure I could be doing many more! xx

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Jun 24Liked by Vanessa Simpson

In London until 31 July when we move back definitively. In Edi 28-5 but otherwise free. Would love to schedule something!! x

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I love reading about your life Vanessa! I’m glad you forgave yourself for your error, it’s an easy mistake to make. I know I can still be hard on myself too but we do our best, right? And you honoured his life in a beautiful way! β˜•οΈπŸ°

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Thanks Kate, funny how so many of us are self flagellation experts! x

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Jun 23Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I love these recaps of your week Vanessa, I feel your guilt at arriving in the wrong place for the funeral service, this is something I would definitely be capable of too… and I would beat myself up for days over it.! I’m sure the family understood and were very forgiving though… these things happen!

Thank goodness the sun is shining somewhere because it sure isn’t doing it’s thing here… yesterday was a truly awful and cold day for the month of June! Shocking! I fear our summer will continue along the same vein too….

Your pottery is divine, I adore the crackled effect glaze especially! X

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Oh Susie surely it should be sunny in France - I keep telling Mike we must retire there for better weather πŸ˜³πŸ˜‚

Happily my brother in law is a lovely, lovely man and wasn’t worried at all, and I don’t imagine the rest of his family even noticed. No harm done I think. Hoping to catch up on some reading today and looking forward to your beautiful words. Xx

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Jun 23Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Oh Vanessa… it should be gorgeous by now, I agree!

We are having a truly shocking and cold summer so far… general opinions say it’s set to stay too - I have given up hoping that the GO is wrong and am now praying for a truly glorious Indian summer insteadβ€¦πŸ™πŸ½xxxx

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I pray for an Indian summer every yearπŸ™„πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚

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Haha.. me too..! Even when summer has been glorious..!🀞🏽🀞🏽🀞🏽

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Jun 22Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Enjoy your garden this weekend. We shall be doing the same. Xx

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Please tell me it’s going to be sunny again later? Xx

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What a lovely post, Vanessa. The perfect follow on to your super-engaging chat with Claire … love the idea of radical acceptance and it seems such a positive way to deal with life’s wrinkles and curveballs. Also, I confess, my Substack admin is appalling. Somehow I hadn’t subscribed. Duly corrected. Have a fab weekend. Barrie

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Thanks so much Barrie, without your encouragement right at the start of the year I don’t think I’d have kept writing. Yet here I am six months later having written every week, nothing wild or magical has happened, but slow, positive changes are in progress πŸ’•

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So thrilled if any of the gentle encouragement we offer helps a little. The writing is fabulous. A gorgeous part of a wonderfully varied creative practice πŸ’›

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Jun 21Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Bob loved both coffee and cake and I’m sure would have been very happy to know that’s what you stopped for on the way home this morning - thank you for even trying to be with us today πŸ’•πŸ’•

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Well I’m glad I stopped on his behalf then - it was a most delicious honey and bergamot cake. I highly recommend a trip out there. Xx

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Jun 21Liked by Vanessa Simpson

That sounds classy and delicious!! Xx

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Jun 21Liked by Vanessa Simpson

A good read and a lovely way to start my morning.

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Thanks so much for reading Cath, I so enjoy sitting down to write and it very gratifying to know people read it….. xx

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