Jun 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I'm in the 4am club!! I have a notebook into which I scribe all my 4am inspiration, and sketches for photography idea. In the cold light of day it reads like the ramblings of an opium eater!! Unlike you, I allow myself to fall back to sleep at 6am until I wake naturally #nodog xx

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Oh I would absolutely allow myself to fall back asleep if but I could - maybe opium eating would help? 😂 Happily Gertie is not a morning dog so I very rarely have to leave my slumber pit for her. Xx

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Jun 16Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Glad you’re getting sorted with the hip, that will be so liberating for you ! And as you know, I am often in the 4am club… copious amounts of Rheal and CBD do seem to be stretching it to 6am lately thankfully! 🤞

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Does CBD oil improve pain do you think? x

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Yes with the insomnia thing at the moment, it's driving me mad! 🙄 Lovely photos 💛

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It’s infuriating isn’t it?! Still, I like knowing that there are many of us awake at that hour, hopefully having lots of wonderful ideas and perhaps eventually finding the energy to act upon them! Xx

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Jun 15Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I love your Tchaikovsky re-quote 😂😂 I don’t wish to brag but having slept past 6am for two nights in a row I’m feeling quite smug. Who knows if it’s the magnesium supplements or the cumulative fatigue but I’m very grateful for it. I hope you (& others) will find a way past 4am soon 🤞🏻😘

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Hmmm, maybe I’ll have to try Magnesium again…. Glad you’re sleeping again though! Xx

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Jun 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I’m a 4 am riser too… not willingly and not generally all year but always in the summer months, when I’m on holiday for eight weeks and don’t need to be up it’s flipping annoying!

If I remember rightly, if you want Olive trees to survive outside all winter you need to check their source… if you can find what you want originating from higher altitudes (it should say on the tag) it should survive. I don’t recall the exact numbers but the one I bought my husband for his fiftieth birthday was from groves in the Pyrenees, it has survived temps of -16c so where you are Vanessa, I think it should be quite happy! Ours doesn’t give us many olives though, they do obviously prefer the warmer southern climate.

Don’t mention the weather… me and that psycho have fallen out! All week we’ve been lighting stove - in mid-June it’s unheard of here!

Fingers crossed for better to come for us both - enjoy your weekend lovely xxx

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Jun 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Also a member of the 4am club. Sometimes I'm a bit keen and arrive half an hour early. And yes, drifting back to sleep at 7 would also be my way were I not committed to leaving the house at 6.50 in the week to take my grandson to nursery. Sometimes Granny's conversation is more sparkling than others...

(I'm also in the dodgy hip club too so I wish you well with the op and I'll follow your progress with sympathetic interest.

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Oh my - you are a very good Granny! What is it about 4am🤷🏼‍♀️. Sorry you have hip problems too, from my previous experience I’m just happy to get on with it asap. xx

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Sorry that you too are a member of the 4am club, although perhaps we should simply all get together for a cuppa on Zoom and enjoy it 😂. Thanks so much for the olive info, that’s really helpful, and while -16 would be unexpected frankly so is lighting the fire indoors in June as we have also done this evening! Xx

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