Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Glad to hear that it sounds as though the procedure went well. May you recover now in leaps and bounds. (Possibly not the best phraseology) Ceri

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Thanks Ceri, let’s hope leaps and bounds won’t be far off (though maybe not this weekend 😳😂) xx

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Oh my goodness. Those prawns look to die for!! Glad to hear you’re home safe and sound, new hip in situ. I’m going to try the playlist when I’m struggling for sleep 🩵

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Thanks Emily, the prawns are so good they’re on my mind again for this week…. And as for the playlist, it’s honestly doing the trick for me so give it a go! Xx

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Happy to hear that surgery went well Vanessa! Wishing you a speedy recovery, and hope to speak to you soon xx

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Thanks Astrid, all heading in the right direction and I’m hoping to join you all on zoom tonight 🤞🏻xx

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Aug 3Liked by Vanessa Simpson

We are thinking of you and hoping that you will be in the out of pain part and into the walking like a pro part very soon.

It has been such a joy having Thea here with us she is a delight. You and Mike have lots to be proud of.

Much love, J&C

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Thanks so much Cath, I’ve been very good at both physio and resting over the weekend (really quite enjoying the afternoon sleeps!). Thea is clearly having a wonderful time, you’ve been so good to her, thank you 💕💕

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Aug 3Liked by Vanessa Simpson

It’s good to hear your hip op is done and that you’re making good progress Vanessa! I have a feeling two hours resting every afternoon would do me the world of good too but as it is I barely sleep in bed let alone anywhere else - I’ve downloaded your sleep music in the hope of a miracle..!

Thank you… 🙏🏽

And I’ll definitely be trying that prawn recipe… even my fussy hubby likes prawns..!😅

Rest well and often lovely…xxxx

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Well, Bon appétit and dormez bien 😘

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Aug 3Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Hi Vanessa, so glad the surgery all went well 👍 Take it easy and enjoy those gorgeous afternoon naps ❤️ That playlist sounds amazing.. might have to give it a go.. thank you xx

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Another bonus (I discovered last night) is that binaural sounds seem to counteract the snoring to my right 🙌🏻

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Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Glad you are home and all is well. We will try the prawn recipe which sounds delicious. Rest up and I look forward to a walk along the beach when you are able xx

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Hope you enjoy it too. Xx

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I've been thinking about you this week! Must have been tuning into the fact that you need a big heal well hug!

Also, finally figured out my substack password so I can comment and like!

Biology of Belief is a wonderful book — enjoy. And hopefully see you soon xx

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A healing hug is just what I need! Think I may listen to B of B on audible - worried it’s a bit scientific for me 😂

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Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Enjoy those afternoon naps .. well done on getting a new hip! May your recovery be very speedy indeed!! X

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Thanks JoJo, I've just remembered to add the link to the playlist if you fancy some brain melting naps!

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Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

After cycling 1679kms over the past 33 days, that would be delightful!!! 😴😴😴😴😴 x

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Are you home yet?? Sorry, I’ve lost track 🙈

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Yes! Got home just before 1pm today! Feeling great to be back! X

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Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Brava, Bella! Onward and upward xxx

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Grazie mille! You too! xx

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Aug 2Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Great news you’re home!! Rest up and enjoy the rest. I do hope the pain eases off soon. I am happy to be a Guinea pig reiki client… I have had it a few times and can highly recommend! I’d love to learn to do it too!

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It’s such a beautifully gentle philosophy and treatment isn’t it? Just going to give myself some now….. 💕

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