Sep 12Liked by Vanessa Simpson

So sorry to hear that Gertie has had such a tough time. Hopefully, that is all behind her now. I also hope you are starting to feel stronger now. Take care. xxx

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Sep 3Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Poor Gertie, poor you! I'm so sorry Vanessa and thank goodness for friends who will drop everything for a call of help! I do hope Gertie's check up is positive too - I'll be saying a little prayer, for you both! Sending healing hugs across the ether lovely... xx

PS As for veggie gardens, I think I may have to do the same next year... not only is there never enough time in the day to tend mine but honestly I think my green fingers are rotting!

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Thanks Susie, I think Gertie is just fine! Yesterday she managed to climb up onto a mattress on top of bed and other mattress (think Princess and the Pea). She did however then whine until I appeared to lift her down since obviously deemed it too high to jump. This has was repeated at 06:30 this morning πŸ™„ I do love her but she’s high maintenance sometimes πŸ˜‚

As for veggies, I shall happily support our local growing and delivery service instead thus helping support a local family, reducing waste and easing guilt of failure! Xx

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Oh, poor Gertie! And poor you! I'm so relieved to hear she seems over the worst, but obviously still to be investigated πŸ™πŸΌ As for you, my Plucky Chum, I'm sorry fatigue continues yo plague you, coupled with an overactive mind! At least with my chemo fatigue, I have also lost my brain 🀣

Your garden sounds divine, and I can't wait to be fit enough to visit. Sending masses of love xx

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Thanks Eve, I fear you are far more deserving of any sympathy than either Gertie or I πŸ˜‚ But must confess I’m slightly driving Mike mad with my endless reimagining of every room as I rest on the sofa πŸ™„ xx

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I am so sorry that lovely Gertie is not feeling so well. I remember Heini doing something similar and what a panic! Thank goodness for your kind neighbour Steve. Fingers crossed it was just the medication side effect. I hope you soon feel less fatigued and more energised by your growing garden and planning for the next season. I am with Mike on the alliums :)

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I’m hopeful she’ll be okay, and as for alliums - any suggestions on some that will stand happily above the hydrangeas? Xx

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I hope Gertie is on the mend soon. That must’ve been terrible for you to deal with , but thank God for Community! And I’m completely with you on vegetable gardening not being your forte. I have grand hopes every year but then forget to water my seedlings and that’s that. I dream of a beautiful cutting garden though.X

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Thanks AimΓ©e, I’m so lucky to have lovely neighbours. Veg gardening is pretty hardcore I reckon - but perennial flowers and a sprinkle of annuals are surely achievable…..! Xx

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Oh gosh poor Gertie and poor you!! Hopefully you are both on the mend. Sounds like a bit of a week! Xx

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She definitely seems better, hopefully it isn’t just the Metacam masking anything…. 🀞🏻

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Oh poor baby! I can't remember where you live, or what your weather has been like, but about 30 years ago, my lurcher-of-the-time Twiggy had a heat response, which seemed just like your recent experience with Gertie...

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We’re in Somerset where it was no more that 17/18 degrees I guess, and she’d been just pottering along so probably not heat related. Actually she’s funny if she considers it too warm, moving from one patch of shade to another! x

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Prob not then, this was walking with my children in Bedfordshire one very hot summer holiday afternoon.

Hope she is all ok now❀️

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She certainly seems happierβ€¦πŸ€žπŸ»

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I really hope that you and Gertie will both be feeling much better and more energised soon. Perhaps she’s just a very empathic dog and was reflecting your fatigue?! 😘😘

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Funny, someone else suggested that maybe she has Munchausens πŸ˜‚

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Sep 1Liked by Vanessa Simpson


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