Sep 15Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I totally understand the desire not to be interrupted when listening to the Archers but I’m an omnibus girl! Rarely listening all in one go but in moments here and there when I can get them. Lovely to know that you’re back in the studio creating beautiful pieces 💕

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Wow, can always learn something new - I did not know you listened to The Archers!! 🤷🏼‍♀️😂

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What a fabulous ‘letter’ to us all, Vanessa. We’re admiring your trailer towing, your commitment to the Archers (love that it anchors your week), and your studio skills. The ‘always learning’ mantra is inspiring. We are sitting here bathed in Autumn sunshine in the Vienne wondering how we could arrange to weave in a ‘drive by’ next year when I cycle through to collect a lemon squeezer and rhubarb leaf serving plates! We’ll have to talk!

Happy Sunday. Barrie and JoJo

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Oh gosh it would be so lovely to meet you both in person - we’re only just outside Bristol and there’s always a spare bed here ☺️x

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Aw, that’s so lovely. We’ll keep in touch!

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Sep 15Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I love the rhubarb leaves and well done on navigating that lane!!! Xx

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It did take a little manouvering! 😂

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Sep 15Liked by Vanessa Simpson

The Archers has my full attention too just now. I also get teased but do go for weeks without listening sometimes. And reversing with a trailer is something f to be proud of, a skill I never mastered

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Well you know it’s never too late to learn a new skill right? Pop by any time you like for a go! 😂 I may continue developing my skills around 7pm this evening….

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Sep 15Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Reversing a trailer? And you succeeded after just four trips..?? You’re a marvel Vanessa! I simply can’t do it… even under instruction! In fact that’s worse - a comedy sketch of bad language (husband) trembling (me) and invariably him telling me to get out so he can do it himself! 😂

I’m so glad you’re feeling better and back in your beautiful creative stride! The rhubarb and little chicken are gorgeous! Enjoy Sunday lovely - there was almost a frost here this morning it’s so cold 🥶 xxx

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Well it might have been a shade easier given husband was not around…..😂 It was very nearly frosty here too one morning which I can’t think I’ve ever seen here so early. Still, the sun is shining and I think I’ll go and make some more rhubarb leaves this morning ☺️ Hope the sunshine finds you too Susie. Xx

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Sep 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

As ever, I really enjoyed your post. I used to get it on my email but I don’t now so I have to look for you, it’s always worth the look.xxx

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Thanks so much for making the effort! I’d better check my settings too as someone else mentioned that I don’t arrive in their inbox 🤔 Did you check your junk mail? Xx

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Aw.. I LOVE the funny chicken! 😆 and those rhubarb.. wow.. amazing! 👏 Lovely to see you back in the studio, I hope you're feeling much better now 💕

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Thanks Eva, feeling much more like myself thank goodness! Hope you are too? It’s so good to be back in the studio flinging clay around - very cathartic! Xx

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Sep 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Thanks, Vanessa, you've answered two questions for me! Firstly, if there's anything worth watching on Netflix at the moment, and secondly, how I can learn more about Substack, which baffles me. (It seems to sign me up to accounts I don't want to follow and then I'm embarrassed about unsubscribing 😳 ) And btw those rhubarb plates are beautiful xx

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Oh good! Hope you’ll enjoy both the film and the article 🤞🏻 Hopefully the plates will be out of the kiln by Monday so you can see them. Xx

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Sep 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Autumn has arrived in Ramsgate too! Happy that you are spending time in the studio again…I use the lovely mug that you made every single day! Will there still be rhubarb come October? X

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I’m happy to think of you drinking from a mug I made 🥰 I imagine there will still be a bit of rhubarb - would you like some? xx

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Sep 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Ok, I learnt something new - I'd never even heard of The Archers!

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Goodness! You are in for a treat 🤣x

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Sep 14Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Brava for the whole trailer-reversing thing!! That's a proper life skill, and especially handy with the garden you have.

I love that you have freed your Mum's rose to thrive and blossom in the light. They say roses bloom a lot more if they're under stress, and I noticed at Sissinghurst that they twist all the climbing rose stems before fixing them wherever

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Not sure it’s a skill I’ll be practising often but nice to prove I could do it in a pinch! Stem twisting is very interesting - I shall research more as the ones I’ve planted are certainly young enough to try with. Thanks! Xx

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