Glad to know you’re recovering nicely, Vanessa! Take your time, you’ll be all the stronger for it. Looking forward to the new pottery projects 😊

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Thanks Sara, slowly beginning to feel more like myself - even managed to pull up a few weeds yesterday (convolvulus has no respect for convalescents!) xx

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Aug 17Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Vanessa, your missives are always worth the read, never fear.

Having rehabbed myself, I so understand your frustration but thank goodness it doesn’t last forever and you will be looking back on it very soon. You are doing the right thing, keeping your mind busy when your body can’t be is a saving grace. So noodle like crazy and get better soon.♥️

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I love the term ‘noodle’! Frankly my brain feels a bit like spaghetti so it’s apt in more than one sense 😂 I know you are an experienced rehabber, and take comfort from knowing that it will all be better soon…. Just never soon enough! Xx

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Aug 17Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Be patient and try not to do too much! 😘 x

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Not much being done I assure you 🙄😂xx

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Aug 16Liked by Vanessa Simpson

Would love to see you & share some moments with you🌺take care🍀Edwige

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Any plans??? Xx

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Aug 16Liked by Vanessa Simpson

I can’t help but feel that your writing is even more beautiful this week as a result of your frustration…. You will recover and soon be able to start (& possibly finish) all of the projects that you have running through your head 😘😘

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Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here 🤣, but thank you, I certainly have plans….! Xx

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Aug 16Liked by Vanessa Simpson

So sorry to hear time is hanging heavy... xx

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It’s amazing really how the days slip away, I just don’t seem to accomplish much which makes me realise I’m a bit of a ‘doing’ junkie! Xx

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Patience, Vanessa, patience. So hard when you have ideas and energy plus creativity all bubbling away. But a stronger you will emerge. 💛

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Ahh if only they could bottle and sell it! But you’re right, I’m sure I’ll be grateful for a time of thinking in due course. Xx

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PS … I dread to think how impatient I would be in the same circumstances. Wishing you a fab weekend

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